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Friday, 20 November 2015

Any-Connect not connecting with some of the tunnel groups, while working fine with others

I ran into an issue with my Any-Connect
I had some couple of tunnel groups and I upgraded my ASA from 8.6 to 9.2 , after upgrade Any-Connect stopped connecting with few of the tunnel groups.

Debugs were saying :
Not calling vpn_remove_uauth: not IPv4!
webvpn_svc_np_tear_down: no IPv6 ACL

Any-Connect was giving this error:

Failed to get configuration from secure gateway. Contact your system administrator.

Here is the link that helped:  https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/11792386/failed-get-configuration-secure-gateway-contact-your-system-administrator

What was I missing?
Somehow my xml profiles were missing from the ASA but they were called under group policies.
I removed them from those group policies.

Sh run webvpn will show what xml porifiles you have.

How did I remove them from group policies?
group-policy TEST attributes
anyconnect profiles none