ASA as a CA server:
sh crypto ca certificate
ASA as a CA server:
1. clock must be correct.
sh crypto mypubkey
Generate keys:
crypto key gen rsa label mykey modu 2048
crypto ca server
CA server ka naam:
issuer-name cisco
subject name default CN=nameofthe CA, C=IN
Start CA server : no shutdown
It will ask for a passphrase : give any key here
then u will see certificat server enabled.
crypto ca server user-db add mitin
goi to this URL : https://ip/+CSCOCA+/login.html
crypto ca server user-db allow mitin display-otp
it will disaply an OTP, give that OTP to user.
enter user name and OTP, he will get certificate downloaded.
enter the passphrase.
clear configure crypto ca server : to clear the configuration for CA
whenever we shut a ca server it will also delete the user database, so be careful here.
Via ASDM: local CA authority
manage user database>> allow regetration
as we enable CA server, we can see a CA certificate on firewal, where issued by and issued to will be same. THis is called as root certificate.
HOw to add certificate using CLI:
Generate CSR:
Generate key : crypto key generate rsa label mykey mod 2048
crypto ca trustpoint ca
enrollment terminal : this iwill enable a terminal where we can copy and paste certificate text
enrollment self : this means generate a self sign certificate
Tell key pair to use:
keypair mykey
remove fqdn : fqdn none
subject name
crypto ca enroll ca <trustpoint ka name>
Add device serial number : NO
this will genarate CSR.
now copy this and send to CA.
DER encoding and base 64 encodeing
crypto ca import ca certificate --------> this imports ID cert. crypto ca authenticate ca certificate ---> This imports Root CA cert, crypto ca enroll --->> to generate CSR. There are the only 3 options available.
paste here
debug crypto ca message 255
If cert was generated with sha256 and we are trying to import it on older code 8.0,8.2 then it will give an error.
SCEP : simple certificat enrollment procedure
automatic enrollment procedure it is. we can conifgure asa to get a certificate automatically. ASA can be configured SECP client and then ASA will send the request to your CA server
ASA as SCEP client:
crypto ca trustpoint ca
enrollment url http://ip/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll
subject-name CN=ASAme2
crypto ca authenticate ca
this will autmatically downlaod root ca certificate
crypto ca import ca certificate/ crypto ca enroll ca certificate ----- > this will request certificate from CA using SCEP. both commands will do the same thing.
sh crypto ca certificate --> this will show you the ID certificate that we have received.
Ca server :